January 16, 2007

Lurching Toward Armageddon

I’m waking up to one terrifying conclusion — well, one in a series, actually:
Having a fundamentalist Christian in the White House can be a very risky business.
What if his plan is to goad the Middle East into going up in flames in order to hasten the Second Coming of Christ?
Many fundamentalists seem to believe that the Almighty needs their help in order to get the world to Armageddon. And this one has the means to put such a belief into action.
Could THAT be what this whole war in Iraq, now moving toward Iran and, likely, into Syria is all about?
If so, God help us all.
Somehow, I don’t think I’ll see the humor in the situation when, after the Middle East has been destroyed and World War III has begun, the Second Coming doesn’t happen after all.
is Olberman's take on the lurch toward Iran.


TomCat said...

Great minds, TC. I have the same vid ready to post. On the second coming, sometimes I wonder if Bush thinks he IS the second coming.

two crows said...

He well may.
To my mind, he's more the anti-christ.

PoliShifter said...

It's not enough for these people to want the end of the world to happen but they have to actively takes steps to help foment it like a brewer pitching yeast into a vat of barley and hops.

Even worse, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is Shi'a. He's awaiting the return of the Mahdi, or hidden Imam. Like Bush who thinks it's his responsibility to bring back Christ, Amadinnerjacket think's it's his responsibility to creat the conditions necessary for the return of Mahdi.

Bat Fucking Crazy world leaders.

It sucks right now to be one of the few billion normal human beings on the planet when the extremists on both sides are running the show.

two crows said...

hey, kvatch--
fairness doesn't enter into the equation if you believe it's somethng God can't do without your help [the height of hubris]. you'll just do whatever it takes to make it happen.

I have heard people say on nat'l tv that they are mandated by God to use nuclear weapons in the middle east in order to start WW III.
in fact, I recently blogged about one guy I heard say that [12/19/06].

two crows said...

yep. the battle lines are being drawn.

meanwhile, I have this demonic vision of Bush sitting in the Oval Office, rubbing his hands and chortling: 'Hee hee, things are shaping up nicely now.'