January 9, 2007

This from Truthdig:
A court in Italy will decide whether to charge 25 alleged CIA agents for participating in an act of so-called “extraordinary rendition.” The trial, should it go ahead, will be the first to address the heinous tactic, by which the United States or its allies kidnap terror suspects in order to remove them to torture-friendly nations.
see here for the complete text.
Oh, I hope Italy follows up on this.
Already, though, the US has begun showing its true colors: it has flown at least one of the accused back to the US from his Italian Villa--and it is saying it will refuse to extradite him to Italy to stand trial.

If our government won't stand up against torture, other, more civilized nations need to show it that they will leave it standing alone in the bone field.

1 comment:

TomCat said...

This one goes back a ways. This is the first I've seen on it since I blogged the original suit before I moved my blog to Blogger. I agree with your hope that Italy follows it up.