March 5, 2008

Ask the native Americans what happens when you let just anyone across your borders.


jmsjoin said...

Two Crows
I have always loved that picture.
You will like this. Just check out the original directors of homeland security

two crows said...

hee hee! AAP--
I wasn't aware of that site. I just got the pic in email and tho't, 'gotta blog it!'
and HOW do you set up a link inside a comment??? I STILL haven't figured out how to do that -- or _any_ html, for that matter. when I try blogger rejects my comment. rrrrrggghhhhhhh!!!

pls let me know if you can help - and I'll open my email address so we can email about it. thanx.

Snave said...

What a great picture! How true, how true.

jmsjoin said...

hi two crows
Do you mean like a regular link? ie:
If so lead it with Write the description and that is all that will show and close that with It will look like this. me we can do something if this works. Some places it just doesn't

jmsjoin said...

That didn't show as I wanted but yes we can do that. Brother is going to be hopefully helping me with my side bar.

two crows said...

hi Snave--
the pic tells it all, don't it?

two crows said...

hey, AAP--
I'm opening my email.
we can discuss both in detail?

jmsjoin said...

Hey two crows
What happened to you and Brother? Did you get my email?

two crows said...

hi AAP--
I emailed you after being offline all day.

and, I tried following your instructions and got absolutely nowhere -- unless you count an error message as somewhere -- which I don't.

I'm just dense, I guess. :-(
maybe we can try phoning tomorrow?

jmsjoin said...

You're not dense two crows but I believe I may be. I forgot the " before and after but I believe you figured that out. I called this morning and will try again later.

PoliShifter said...

should have killed them all when they had the