January 10, 2007

The Timid Dems

As Bush puts the finishing touches on his plan to save face and use US troops to do it, Senator Kennedy is the only one coming right out and saying, 'The emperor has no clothes!'
see here for complete text.
Meanwhile, although many Democrats agree with Kennedy’s view, they are hesitant to take the politically risky step of using their control of the budget to stop the president’s plans.
Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would only say that there are “several proposals” being floated. He said he would prefer something “bipartisan.”
Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer expressed reservations and said it isn’t clear if President Bush needs to come back to Congress for a troop escalation and, "I agree with Sen. Kennedy that the Congress needs to be involved.”
Being involved, through hearings or oversight though, is very different from actually voting.
Weren't the Dems listening during the last two years when the public was asking them to grow a spine and take a stand on something?
Come election time, they are likely to discover that refusing to take a risk is, in itself, risky.


TomCat said...

You raise an excellent point. I agree with and support Kennedy's bill, but believe that Bush would just choose to ignore it.

two crows said...

that's just it.
given the current rhetoric coming from the hill he'll do exactly that--and get away with it.

Congress has to actually stand up to him and use its clout to stop him--or act the lap-dog and lose their jobs in 2 years.

when will the Dems realize what they're up against?
Bush is the rock -- we, the voters, HAVE to be the hard place!

TomCat said...

True. However, when the Dems cut off funding for Vietnam, after Nixon and Kissinger had given up and were spending our troops to delay the loss, it still took two years, before we were out. Bush does noyt care how many of our youth are killed or maimed, as long as Iraq fails on someone else's watch.

two crows said...

I don't know exactly what can be done.
what I do know is that something must be done and that Congress is the only avenue we have to assure that something gets done.
I don't know enough about the workings on the hill to know what to do. that's what I pay my representatives for. and they asked for the job.

I know it's early yet. they just convened.
if things weren't so dire, I'd give em a longer honeymoon.
but people are being maimed and are dying while they nibble around the edges.

TomCat said...

I fully understand. I only wish I had a better answer.

two crows said...

I wonder what Kennedy's answer will translate out to?
whatever it is, I hope he can enlist the needed support and get moving soon--before the escalation begins.
I use the word advisedly because I believe 21K troops would be only the 1st step in Bush's plan.

TomCat said...

Unfortunately, that can't happen. Bush started shipping escalation troops to Iraq before his speech

two crows said...


reminds me of an old joke about Reagan calling the Joint Chiefs in to inform them of a bombing raid or something--
when asked, 'When will this occur Mr President?' he looked at his watch and said, '4, 3, 2, 1,'

except, this isn't a joke.