November 19, 2006

Now That It MIGHT Do Some Good--Please Write Your Reps

I sent an email to each of my senators some months ago to tell them to get on the ball with this issue. But, both my senators were Republican and, well, it felt like an empty gesture at the time.
Now, though, with the new breeze blowing through Congress, maybe they'll listen. So, I wrote them again--and I'm asking you to do the same.

It is probable that at least one dirty bomb will be set off in the US in the foreseeable future--and there's no telling where. And, given Al Quida's penchant for multiple strikes, several cities could be wiped out simultaneously.

So, PLEASE write your senators. Please ask others to join in. Let the government know we won't just sit here and let this preventable catastrophe happen.
For your convenience, I'm enclosing a copy of the email I sent. You can simply copy and paste it or you can write your own.
You can google the names of your senators to get to their websites, then send a ms through their 'contact me' pages.
Dear Senator _____________:

During the Cold War, the Mutually Assured Destruction nature of the situation kept the most horrible weapons ever developed from being used.

MAD no longer exists in today's political climate. Someone could place a dirty bomb in Downtown Anywhere and be on a plane hours before it detonated.

Now, we're told, a vaccine that could protect the populace from radiation poisoning is available. This medication could be safely self-administered in an emergency. If it were made available to the general public BEFORE such an occurrence, hospitals could concentrate on the people who were affected by the blast of the bomb--not have to deal with the people [probably numbering in the millions] who were affected by the dispersed fallout.

Strangely, the government has ordered that 100,000 doses of this vaccine be manufactured. That number of doses might cover the people in the top levels of government and their families. Yet, what use is a government without a population to govern?

Please bring this issue to the Senate for discussion and immediate action.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

1 comment:

TomCat said...

Thank you for this. I was completly unaware of it and will go one step better. I will call them.